The Home Page is the starting point and introduction to your site. The home page is preconfigured to display your latest pictures as well as the latest news, messages, blog entries and upcoming events.
All of these items are populated from their corresponding pages. So, to add an item to the News box on your home page, you would need to add an item using the News page.
To customize your home page, click the "Edit Page" link at the top of the page.

The "layout" section lets you choose the items to feature on your home page and select how they'll be displayed. For example, you can select a layout to feature your store page items instead of your latest pictures or select a layout with neither.

"Welcome text" is the large text that is displayed at the top of the page.
The "Latest Pictures" or "Store Items" boxes lets you pick items to display in rotation from these pages.
"Other Boxes" let you select other item titles and links to be displayed. (Use the "show" checkboxes to turn off and on a particular type of item. Use the up-down arrows to rearrange the order.)

"Home Page Text" lets you enter your own text area to be displayed on the home page. (To completely customize your home page using the Home Page Text, select the "Home Page Text Only" as your home page layout.)
Click OK, when you're finished customizing your home page.
Lastly, you don't have to use this page as your home page. Under the Site Admin > Pages tab you can assign any page to be your home page by simply positioning the page at the top of the list of pages.