The audio page is used to host music or audio files.
Use the "add audio" link to add an audio file.
In the "add audio" dialog, enter a title, select your file and optionally add a description. Click OK to post your audio file to your site.
To play the audio file, click the title of the file. Under each file is a set of links. Click "Edit" to rename or replace the audio file. "Delete" is used to delete the file from your site. "Share" is used to share your audio post with your site members and followers and announce your post on Facebook and Twitter. Use the up-down arrows to rearrange the files. The "background music" checkbox is used to assign an audio file as your site's background music. Select "Shuffle Background Music" to randomize the playback order of the background music.
Use the "Allow Comments" drop-down to select if comments are allowed. Select "No Comments" if you don't want comments. "From Anyone" means anyone can post a comment. "After Approval Email" sends the site administrator a confirmation email before a comment is posted. "From Members Only" means only your logged in site members can post comments.