How To Build A Website
Have you ever thought about building a website yourself? If you have then this article on how to build a website is a must read. Today using a web-site-builder makes it all possible, no HTML or CSS coding required. If you can send an email you can make your own site using a web-site-builder.
Things to think about before you learn how to build a website.
- What type of web-site do you want to create?
- What’s your domain name going to be?
- Where are you going to host your new site?
- What type of website building software should I use?
- Should I use a Website Builder, WordPress, or Joomla
- Will I be able to build my own website?
- How much does it cost to create a website?
- Where do I start?
You Don’t Need To Know Coding Or Be An IT Geek To Get Your Business Online
You must also think about what country you would like to get visitors from, the USA, United Kingdom or even World Wide. These are just a few questions you will need answers to when you think to yourself how do I build a website. You probably have no idea where to start and that’s fine. Most people don’t realize that building a site on line is not that difficult. A few years ago creating a website was something that only IT geeks were capable of doing. Now its really quite possible that you can learn how to build a website step by step with a little help from me.

You don't need to learn HTML or CSS coding to build a website just follow our tutorials.
You don’t need to know coding or be an IT geek to learn how to build a website from scratch in today’s World. You can easily learn how to build your own website no coding knowledge needed, the web site builder that we recommend does all the coding for you.
What Is The Site Going To Be About?
It's important to know what type of website you want to create. That way you can choose the right site builder to build your own website. Look for a free trial site builder. Some free trial site builders come with lots of free themes and features contact me to find out more. No need to get a domain name and web hosting which will cost you a few dollars a month, some web site builders give you a free domain, site hosting, and web-site-builder. Contact me to find out more.
Creating Informational Websites
Do you want to build a informational website? Informational websites are sites that are created to provide a customized and branded resource for potential and active customers, members, investors and so forth. They enable their readers to find information on a particular business or topic. These sites grow very quick as they are content and design driven.
Designing A Catalogue Style Website
A catalogue style site is used to advertise products in your catalogue to people that browse the internet. It can take a lot of work designing a catalogue site as you have to keep it up to date with all your latest products. Add new products and update products that are available on your catalogue. When you design a catalogue web-site you can display your products 24 hours a day 7 days a week to a worldwide audience and customers can buy direct from your site and contact you to ask questions about your products.
Building A Brochure Website
When you create a brochure website you are providing a company’s promotional material or product information site. These websites have loads more information than an informational site. They usually have lots of great pictures and information about a product, place to visit, store or any type of business that’s promoting something. They usually have a special offer for a limited time as well. Think of a brochure site as a printed brochure for the digital world.
Build Your Own E-commerce Website
If you would like to build an E-commerce website takes your brochure site to the next level. Visitors can now shop directly from their computers and buy products on your site. They can see the product, know the price, and purchase the product directly from your store site using a online payment method. Why not turn your idea in to an online business and make an E-commerce website, its easy. With site-builders you can change the look of your own online store site with a few clicks.
Change the theme and presto you have changed the look. No skills or coding knowledge needed. Manage your orders and keep track of your inventor. Open your own online store today. Take advantage of free trial websites that let you try before you buy and offers multiple pay options, such as credit cards and PayPal. Keep your customers coming back for more with promotional coupons. You can even set customized tax and shipping rules for each destination.
Contact me to find out more.
Creating A Blog
Creating a blog is another great way to let the world know what you have been up to. It could be a personal blog or a business blog for your business, either way blogging is very popular. Its very easy to create a blog thanks to blogging platforms like WordPress. You will however need to host your WordPress website somewhere and then download and install WordPress on to your hosting account and then set WordPress up before you can build a website using WordPress.
Personal Website Or Family Website
People like to create a personal website or make a family website to share photos, videos, holidays, Birthdays, Christmas and other family events with other family members around the World. They can even make a personal website private and password protected. Members of the family would have their own passwords and have to enter their password to be able to see the website and upload content to the family website. Building a family website is a fantastic way for family’s that live far away from each other to keep in touch. Its not that expensive to make a personal website, for less than $20.00/month you could share your family photos, videos and anything else on your own when you build a family website.
Social Media And Networking Websites
Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, MySpace are so popular. Today even you can create a social networking site, where members would need to sign in. You could even make money by charging a monthly subscription if your site was full of useful information. If you wanted to start a membership site then starting your own social network site would be a good idea. If you require any more help or advice on building a social network website please feel free to contact me below.
Would you like some free help or advice on creating any of the above sites? Please feel free to contact me, I will help you and save you money.
Ask Yourself
- How is your competitors site layout? Is it easy to navigate and find what you are looking for? Is there a top menu or side menu? How is the color scheme? What would you change when you build your site?
- Does the home page look good and how much content is on it? Is it well written with accurate titles and good paragraphs of content that relates to each title? How many images are there?
- Does the site have social share buttons? Social share buttons is a great way to get visitors to share your content. You should also consider having social buttons when you build your site. Visitors sharing your content on Facebook, Twitter, and other social networks will give the page a free good quality back-link from the social network they share your page on, helping your off-page SEO.
- Look for the sitemap and click on it, this will give you a list of all the pages on the site and you can visit any page.
- Is there a blog? Blogging is a great way to add fresh content to your site, and that means the search engine spiders will keep visiting to see what’s new.
- Can visitors leave a comment? Comments are great for visitors to interact, think about allowing comments on your pages, you have to approve all comments so no spam will get through.
By doing your homework and checking your competitors websites out you will have a better insight on how to build your own website that will not only look better but perform better as well. It will give you ideas on the design layout, the amount of pages the site has (use their sitemap) and the quality of their content. Once you know what your competition is doing it will help you build a better site.
Start To Plan Your Own Website

Think about what content you going to use and start to plan your project.
Planning Your New website - Tips On The Correct Way To Plan Your Website.
You will need the following:
What you need to know before you start to build a website.
- A Computer
- The Internet
- A credit card, bank card, PayPal or some way to make payments online.
- Domain Name
- Website Hosting
- Website Builder
- Knowledge on the type of site you want to build
Putting It All Together
On-Page SEO
What is On-Page SEO? On-Page SEO is anything you do on your site. Its what’s on your page, your content, videos, pictures and more. Each new page you build on your site should be filled with useful information that will help the reader. Google will also rank a web-site according to the content, the more top quality content the higher the Google ranking on their search engine.
On-Page SEO is also about using your title tags, description tags, H1 to H6 heading tags, alt text tags etc. Google loves content and plenty of it. The more pages you have on your site the stronger it makes your site. Make sure old pages are updated when obsolete. Have at least 800 to 1000 words on a page. Start a blog and add fresh new content every week.
Search Engine Optimization is often about making small modifications to parts of your site. Viewed individually, these changes might seem like small little improvements. But when combined with other optimizations, they could have a great impact on your site’s user experience and performance in organic search result.
Here Are Some Great Articles On SEO:
Adding Content
The homepage is the most important page on your site. Its like the first chapter of a book and has to impress your reader. It must also load super fast so be careful of fancy image galleries and lots of images.
Use your title tag, description tag and H tags, and if you have images use the image alt tag. Include important words and keywords that you would like to rank for in the tags. Use the H1 tag first and only once on the page followed by a paragraph or paragraphs of text about the heading. Use the balance of the H tags (H2 to H6) when the topic changes followed by a paragraph or paragraphs of text about the heading. Follow this procedure on all the pages you build.
Content is King. Add as many words as you can to your homepage. Include a selection of keywords and keyword phrases, write for the readers not for Google. If you can write one thousand or even two thousand words or more great. The more words the better, include links to other relative pages on your site in the content.
Landing Pages
You could also create landing pages. These landing pages would be used to rank different keywords. Each landing page could be designed to bring in traffic for a specific set of keywords. That way your website would get traffic from lots of different keywords.
Lets take this site for example. Our site is about creating websites, it makes good sense that the homepage keywords would “how to create a website” “create a website” “create your own website” “how to make a website” “make a website” “how to build a website” “build a website”
This page is a landing page. The keywords are “how to build a website” “how to build your own website” “build your own website” “build a website” the page has been designed to rank for people that are searching on Google for a way to build a website or learn how to build a website.
When you create landing pages those landing pages could also rank for the keywords used on the landing page. They will also help boost your home page for the keywords used on the landing pages.
Contact Page
Every website should have a contact page. On the contact page should be a contact form, or if you don’t want to use a contact form then have your email address displayed on the page. You could also include contact numbers and a Google Street Map if you want visitors to come to your address.
Privacy Policy Page
Include a privacy policy page so visitors know what your privacy policy is.
Disclaimer Page
Include a disclaimer policy page so visitors know what your disclaimer policy is.
Make sure your site has a sitemap. This will help Google find all your pages and even visitors will use your sitemap. Also sign up to Google webmaster tools and submit your sitemap to Google.
Off-Page SEO
Off-page SEO is anything you do that is not on your site. Like using back-links from other good quality sites pointing to your site. Promoting your pages on social networks like Facebook and Twitter etc. Be careful buying back-links its not a good idea, rather build inbound links yourself with tools like SEO profiler.
You could even search on search engines and find sites with the same topic as your site. Contact them and offer a well written article on the same topic and include a do follow link in the article. Once the article is published you get a powerful natural back-link to your site.
Plan Your Navigation

It's important to plan your navigation for your customers and your SEO.
Navigation is important. Planning your navigation will help visitors and Google find more of your site. How will visitors find your content? Plan your navigation so your main pages are in your navigation menu. Use keyword rich anchor text in your navigation menu.
No page on your site should be more than three clicks away from the home page. When writing your content on the page remember to link to other relevant pages on your site, again include words you would like to rank for in the anchor text. This will help visitors stay on your site and find more content. This will improve your bounce rate and get you more page views and more time spent on your site. The more time a visitor spends on your site the more likely you are going to sell something or get them to contact you.

Need help? If you don't have the time to #buildyourownwebsite contact our support team.
You may not fully understand how to build a site or have the time to build your own site. Contact our support team and get free help making your site.
- We will find you the best domain name for your new site.
- We will save money and help you build your site.
- Give you a free domain name when you use the web-site-builder we recommend.
- Offer you free support while setting up your site.
Offer is only for people that sign up to the web-site-builder that we use and recommend.
Follow The Below Easysite Tutorials: Start with step one and sign up. No bank card required. Try all the features on the web site builder free for 30 days. Build your website with these easy to follow web design tutorials. If you require any help to build a website or registering a domain name please contact me.
Web Design: Learn how to create a website in a few easy steps
Author: Michael John
Build A Website