How To Rank Websites On Google Search
How to rank websites on Google Search, get this right and you will have a very busy website. But first lets watch the video below where Matt Cutts explains to us how Google Search works. This will give you a better understanding of what needs to be done to rank websites on Google Search – Matt Cutts leads the Web spam team at Google, and works with the search quality team on search engine optimization issues.
Matt explains how Search Engines work on Google. He tells us that when you do a search you are not searching the web. You are searching Googles index of the web, or at least as much of it that Google can find. Google does this with software they call spiders. Read in Googles on words how Google search works.
Spiders start by fetching a few web pages, then they follow those links on those web pages and fetch the pages they point to, and then follow those pages and fetch the links they point to and so until Google has indexed a big chunk of the web. Many billions of pages stored across the web on thousands of machines.
When you do a Google search for any search query you might want to know more about, Google searches its large index of stored pages and out of the hundreds of thousands results returns the most relevant page in the number one position.
How Does Google Decide Which Web Page Is Best For The Search Query

Google asks questions, more than 200 of them. Like:
- How many times does the page contain the keywords?
- Do the keywords appear in the title?
- Are they at the beginning of the title?
- Are they in the description?
- Are the keywords in the url?
- Is the content original or is it copied from somewhere?
- Are the keywords in headings?
- Is the content well written easy to read?
- Is this a quality website? or is it low quality?
- What is the Page Rank of the page?
Google combines all the above factors + 200 more to get a over all score and the page with the highest score will appear at the top of the results.
What You Need To Do To Rank Websites On Google
The first thing you will need is a website. This means you will want to know what is the best way to create a website and we can help you set up your site and save you money on your hosting. Click here to find out more on how to create a website.
No one can tell you exactly what you need to do to rank websites on Google, except Google. But we can attempt to give ideas and point you in the right direction by giving some guide lines to follow when you set up your website and pages. Hopefully we can help you learn how to rank websites on Google.
The first step and probably quite important would be to decide which website building software you are going to use to build a website. You can use website builders or choose a web hosting company and then install software like WordPress.
Your site layout or design should be fast loading and not full of adverts, keep your site clean. The page layout is important not to many advertising banners and adverts above the fold. Never copy content from other sites, Google has that content indexed and will penalize your site if you copy content.
If you want to rank websites on Google take your time with each web page you build, its not the amount of pages a site has rather the quality of the page. Select the keyword phrase for the page and other good search terms and include it in as many places as you can, for example include your primary keyword in:
The Page Title Tag
The page Title tag, if possible start the title with your main keyword phrase.
The Description Tag
The Description tag, include your keyword in the description, remember this is what the visitor sees on search results for the query so make it good, you need them to read it and want to click on it to find out more.
Images – Try name the image with the keyword phrase of the page also place the keyword phrase in the image alt tag, Google can not see the image but can read the image name and image alt tag. Be careful of how many images and size of images you have on a page, they will slow the loading time of the page down, bad for users with slow internet connections and could effect rankings.
Headings – Use the heading tags H1 to H6 to break the page up H1 being the most important and only used once on each page. The H2 to H6 tags can be used more than once on a page. Make sure to place keywords in the headings but do not over optimize them by having the same keyword phrase over and over again, use different words that relate to the niche of the page.
Main Content – Keep to the page topic include a wide variety of keywords, keyword phrases and long tail keywords, write for humans not search engine spiders. Never copy from other sites, keep it interesting and long. Google likes content and plenty of it try make each page at least 600 words or more, use the heading tags to break the main content into sections making it easy for readers to find what they looking for. Include hyperlinks in your content to other pages on your site, great for visitors and spiders to find more content.
Find the right keywords – When you want to rank websites on Google take the time and do some keyword research for the page you want to rank on Google. Make sure that the search results that you are aiming for are good and that people actually use the search term your are trying to rank for. Its no point in reaching page one position one and no one uses that search term.
Navigation – One of the key factors used to rank websites on Google is your site navigation, if visitors and search engine spiders cant find pages on your site you will have a high bounce rate and this will indicate to Google that the site is not optimized correctly for its keywords, as visitors are coming on to the page and then leaving as its not what they are looking for.
SEO Optimization – Use website analysis tools to check each page you build and make sure that its the best you can get it for the primary keywords of the page. There are lots of free website analysis tools that you can find on the web to help optimize the page, from the results you can improve the page structure.
Number of inbound links – Off-Page SEO is just as important as on-page SEO (on-page SEO is everything you do on your website. Off-Page SEO is anything you do that is not on your website like creating in bound links to different pages of your site, social bookmarking etc.) You will need to have quality inbound links pointing to your site from authority websites. Is not the amount of links you have, but rather the quality of inbound link that will help you rank websites on Google.
Site Map – Make sure you have a site map, this will help search engine spiders crawl your site and inform Google, Yahoo, and Bing of any new pages, or updated pages and helps spiders and visitors find content on your website. Submit your site map to Google Webmaster tools and Bing Webmaster tools.
Improve Your Website Position In Search Engines
Off-Page SEO. Build some quality back-links, remember try find the same niche sites to get your inbound links from. Check the Page Rank of the site you are thinking of using, if the home page is n/a or 0 then don’t bother, rather have ten back-links from high PR sites than a hundred from n/a and 0 PR sites.
Look for sites, blogs, and forums with the same niche as your site and leave a comment, remember when leaving a comment its up to the site owner to allow the comment. Take the time to read the page you would like to comment on and then make sure your comment relates to the content of the page. The site owner should then approve your comment, giving you a good quality high PR in bound link.
If you use your site URL use a back-slash at the end like this .com/ not like this .com always have the backslash at the end of the URL. Search engines see this as two different domains. This can result in inbound links being diluted between the two pages.
If you have this problem use a 301 redirect in other words redirect one of those pages to the other one that way it will not matter if the backslash is at the end or not.
Hope you now have a better understanding on how to rank websites on Google and remember a lot of what you need to do to rank websites on Google is common sense.
Now go and Rank your website on Google.
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Category: Website Design Blog
Author: Michael John
To Get On Google You Need A Website